To what extent will you go in search of your GOD?

To what extent can you go to find your god? Put restrictions on your food habits.Do your daily prayer.Leave your family and go hide yourself in caves and do penance that stretches across months,years or centuries,just so that you can find your god!!!

What is it that I am talking about?Probably a less revealed side of me.I'm putting god under scanner this time.I'm questioning your faith.My question is- To be spiritual and one with god is it necessary to restrict yourself to do what you like to do? In the first place who has placed these restrictions, is it god or is it you?If you don't like to do something then don't do it ! Why pull god into the whole scene!!! Only 'cause it has and will always be all about you....all about us!!!

We cannot ignore the fact that how much ever we try to improve we still will remain selfish and the most self-centered creatures on this planet.What we think is our profit and what we try to avoid is our loss.And while playing this game of 'profit & loss' the most sinful act that we can do is push god into our human play.

I ask-Who is god?How do you define him?Why is he not in flesh and blood like us?Is he completely different from us or is he like us? Human attributes and human traits,Godly attributes and godly traits, isn't there similarity? By all these questions i don't mean that i don't believe in god and that he doesn't exists.But by all this I am merely asking to what extent do we involve god in our personal lives We trouble him each time we are in trouble 'hey bhagu bacha lena'. Each time we have some problems in our life which we cannot resolve we play blame games,if not some human error then it is sure shot god's mistake...he put me through this.But when 'all is well' not a single thanks reaches him and not a single word of praise. Whatz all this about.....isn't it called SELFISHNESS?

All these thoughts dawned upon me when i had this particular discussion with one of my cousin who is probably planning to give up his family life in search of god! Contradicting the same he also mentions that 'God is omnipresent' and that 'he is within...'If he is within then why serach him elsewhere, why not serve him right there, why go to someplace ,sit in dark of some cave and brainstorm searching him? Tell me what difference does it make....serve humanity..serve god !!!!

All these things don't make sense to me at all.We search god only in times of trouble.He may or may not be there but the strength that you get to face these troubles by merely uttering his name ,isn't that something? I believe in god and there is no doubt about his presence in my life.He is there for me and will always be there with me.He holds my hand in times when am low,he listens to me sing, he listens to every word when i am happy more often he is the cause for my happiness.But then he has never ever told me to leave my family in search of him!!!

To think logically ,human mind has deviced 'god'.Whatever 'avatars' or 'names' are given to him are given by us! Whatever goes down into myths and scriptures is written by a human hand...God never whispered in someone's ear, ' Dude ! if u want to come see me then you better stop eating meat ! '

Simplest way to be one with god-Realize your true self ! Its only when you realize your true self will you be able to connect to the higher most purest form of self. Self realization is the sole step to be one with god.


  1. It was funny sid, I used to think in a similar way 2 yrs back, but since i am on a spiritual path, I can say I disagree with ur concepts now. Once u get a Guru and start following his teachings, knowledge dawns and misery goes away.My nature has changed a lot since then,wat a jerk I was den. The bad qualities like selfishness as u have mentioned has reduced considerably , I feel love for everyone , joy is my true nature and I feel life is just a dream. So bad things or good things, don't get carried away just enjoy life as it comes :)
    And the smile on my face, doesn't fade way,
    Jai Gurudev

  2. hey.... nice one ya... even i m of d same opinion as of urs..... its so true ya.. I believe in God too.. And i think dat he is in our minds. we shud always remember him whether happy or sad. wen happy v shud always thank him for being so. And wen sad or in problems v shud pray n ask for strength to overcum those.. V shud believe in urself and keep on trying. God helps those who help themselves.
    I also sumtimes follow certain things like not eating eggs on certain days or doing upaas etc. But i do it for my grandparents' sake. They believe in certain things n i dont want to spoil their mood.
    Otherwise i agree with wat u say..:-)

  3. Hey siddhi nice written ....

    Even I think that GOD is within us and its IMP to find him in within !!

  4. Sid I would say if u really want to go in search for God,u can follow what I am following and u'll figure out urself wat one needs to do, in few years. Coz self realization has 2 meanings 1 of them being the deep one, which its very difficult to achieve if one goes by his own

    There is a YES!+ (its the art of living youth wing) course happening in dadar from 9th-12th jan evening 6.30-9.30 . Its fee is some Rs.2000 . Do tell me if u r intereested.

    It will surely clear ur concepts and help you follow the correct path.

  5. this is absolutely true ..and i totally agree with u.....Well according to me God is nothing but just our inner conscience which enables us to choose the right and just. God is like a super force within us who gives us the spirit and fortitude to live life and praying gives me a relief that no other medicine can give. However, it appears to me that no religion or a holy place is required for praying, what u require is a pure mind and a pure heart.


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